Maven Route Planning

Less Route Per Terminal/Day
Reduction in Cost of Running Routes
Less Time Spent Planning Routes
AI-Powered Route Planning Software
Automatically plan and optimize routes with Maven’s advanced AI-powered algorithm.
Maven integrates with your fleet’s order creation and billing system, such as your TMS, to enable the fast, seamless flow of data.
Planners rely on a more intuitive interface and powerful, easy-to-use route building & management tools in Maven’s cloud-based platform to:

Visualize and improve capacity utilization to move more freight in less time with fewer assets and resources, resulting in decreased costs and increased revenue.
Save time (70%+ reduction in route planning time) and decrease the amount of late deliveries and missed pickups with automatic plan and route creation. Manage exceptions and incorporate existing tribal knowledge easily with flexible manual adjustments.
Quickly build optimal plans and efficient routes based on multiple variables and constraints, including available freight, appointment time windows, configurable shipment tags, equipment and trailer lengths, driver schedules, and more.
Maven Route Planning: Features & Benefits
Simple Daily Setup for Freight Selection & Route Planning
Selecting shipments from available freight and automatically creating optimal routes is simple. Planners can manually adjust the plan to incorporate tribal knowledge.
Build Optimal Routes & Efficient PlanS that make sense to planners & drivers
Create effective plans for the same day or in advance and optimize deliveries for the most efficient routes. Adjust quickly based on tribal knowledge and create plans that work for drivers, planners, and dispatchers.
Visualize Capacity vs. Demand & Improve Utilization
View capacity vs. demand and utilization % charts for the entire automated plan and each individual route in order to make informed decisions that instantly improve utilization.
Advanced Algorithm to Hit Appointment Time windows & More
Algorithm optimizes for variables like appointment times and open/close windows while also factoring in historical data, like time at stop, for efficient routes. Stops are geocoded for accuracy and changes to addresses are auto-saved.
Modern, Efficient Display of Information on the Map
All necessary information is available and displayed in a modern, efficient manner on the map, including routes, manifests, and more. Searching, filtering, and collapsing and expanding elements such as stop cards is simple. This allows each planner and dispatcher to instantly access the most relevant information at any given time.
Routes & plans Can Be Built using the Map or in Waves & Batches. Stops Can also Be Staged on a T-Card Grid
Planners and dispatchers can create territories and assign, reassign, and reorder stops directly on the dispatch board map. With just one click, they can also toggle over from the map to a t-card style grid for another user-friendly way to view, create, adjust, and download the plan and routes. Stops are easily staged and moved using a modern (but still familiar) platform that is faster and more intuitive than previous systems.
Real-Time ETAs & Stop Time Predictions with Visual Indicators
Accurate ETAs and predicted time at stops based on historical data updates instantly on the map in the portal and driver app. Visuals with color coding indicate progress, including arrivals, completed stops, and on-time and late ETAs.
Intuitive Color Coding & Route Comparisons
Intuitive color coding for routes, progress, appointment arrivals, late & on-time ETAs, shipment tags like hazmat, completed stops, comparing multiple routes on the map at the same time, and more.
Incorporates Real-Time Pickup Data, including accurate location & shipment details
Real-time pickups with accurate location data and other details appear instantly in the software system for drivers, dispatchers, and planners. Routes are adjusted in seconds for new pickups and ETAs are instantly updated for efficient P&D routes with fewer missed pickups and more on-time deliveries.
Proactively Merges & Splits Stops
The AI algorithm considers multiple stops at the same location or where stops should be split to make the most optimal plan. Planners and dispatchers can also manually merge or split stops. Lunch stops, fuel stops, and other requirements can be incorporated automatically into the routes based on your fleet’s unique operations.
Optimal Routes & Superior Delivery Order Prioritization
The most optimal delivery order is automatically generated based on multiple inputs and constraints from the planning screen, including available freight, equipment, driver schedules, appointments, time windows, time, and distance. Results: 1 more stop per day per route and 1 less route per day per terminal, plus reduced mileage and fewer missed pickups.
Faster, Improved Planning: Automated with Manual Flexibility
After quickly selecting the freight, viewing capacity/utilization, and making adjustments for tribal knowledge, the plan is created and optimized by the system in less than 1 minute. Planners can stage stops or make additional adjustments as needed. Planning time is reduced by ~70%, and the planning function at the fleet can be consolidated or centralized if desired to reduce overhead costs.
Real-Time KPI Bar to show progress of routes in dispatch
Monitor the progress of routes and stay on top of issues throughout the day with a KPI bar that displays pertinent data in real time. Includes late and completed pickups and deliveries and stops and shipments per hour.
planned vs. actual comparisons improve planning & routes over time
Better utilize capacity and create more optimal routes over time with knowledge scaffolding from comparing plans and results and reporting features, including plan vs. actual. The AI-enabled system also learns and gets better at automatically creating plans for your fleet’s unique needs starting on day one of using it.
monitor plan effectiveness with productivity reporting for drivers, terminals, & companies
Productivity reporting on KPIs like Stops, Miles, Bills Per Hour, Stops Per Hour, Avg.Time at Stop, Time On Road, Shipments, and more for drivers, terminals, and companies helps managers monitor the effectiveness of plans in the Maven system.
includes maven messaging & works seamlessly with all other maven products
All software includes Maven Messaging, which allows planners, dispatchers, and managers to message each other and drivers in individual and group threads throughout the day, enabling proactive communication about pickups, deliveries, or issues that arise. Other software solutions, such as Maven Dispatch and ELD, can also be used seamlessly with Route Planning via Maven’s unified, cloud-based platform and mobile app.
Our solutions can be tailored to meet your fleet’s unique needs.
Learn more about Maven Route Planning from our team of experts or schedule a demo.
Route Planning & Optimization




We solve complex operational problems across multiple industries, including LTL, Private Fleet, Distribution, Beverage, Truckload, Final Mile/Parcel, Energy/Fuel, and Passenger Transportation. Maven’s 24/7 customer support team is also always ready to help.